Stop using Test IDs and assert usability instead
The pattern of applying a Test ID to an element to more easily selected it in tests has existed for a while. During that time the tools we use as developers and testers have improved greatly and offer a more user centric approach to asserting our applications behave as expected.
Where did the test ID come from?
Mature testing tools like Selenium WebDriver provide a somewhat limited set of methods for selecting elements and asserting state. This limitation led to the rise of the test ID pattern used by developers to apply an attribute to elements for the sole purpose of selecting them in tests. If I recall correctly, the birth of this pattern came from the logic of decoupling tests from the application state and, sure, this makes sense.
Using selectors based on class name or, shudders, XPath expressions results in brittle tests that often fail when refactoring code or developing new features. The problem then? This separation comes at a cost that I'll try to cover in this post, the industry recognised this and the tooling has adapted accordingly.
Modern test tools like Playwright and Testing Library provide an API based much more closely on usability with semantics that help to describe how a user interacts with an application. Using these tools we can avoid the test ID pattern in favour of selectors that assert a good user experience with a focus on accessibility.
The code examples in this article show use of Playwright that can easily translate to Testing Library which has a similar selector and assertion API.
Addressing the argument against semantic queries
Engineers within dedicated QA teams who take ownership of Test ID maintenance will likely push back on a more semantic approach. The reason for this normally stems from a desire to have a separation of concerns, a valid argument when not testing early in the development lifecycle.
The points I raise against the use of the Test ID in this article still apply in that scenario but focus more on a full lifecycle of feature development incorporating all aspects of software quality with assertions for functionality, accessibility and usability in a single suite of tests.
False positives from Test ID
A Test ID has little to no relation to the element it appears on and this can mislead us into accepting changes that have passing tests but break the underlying implementation or negatively impact user experience.
Take this test for a button that opens a terms and conditions dialog.
test("opens terms and conditions", async ({ page }) => {
await page.getByTestId("view-terms-button").click();
await expect(page.getByTestId("view-terms-dialog")).toBeVisible();
While the Test ID names allude to the role of the elements the test does not check or enforce them. This allows for a poor implementation of the HTML that doesn't cause the test to fail.
If someone implements the button as a div, keyboard users can't access it but the test still passes. This particular one I've seen more times than I care to remember!
class="btn btn-outlined"
View terms and conditions
Test ID maintenance costs
Test IDs introduce clutter in the HTML markup that serves no purpose in the live application, unless you YOLO it and test in production. Strategies to remove the Test ID during builds exist and while this seems like a bad idea, if you don't do it someone will probably write some code at some point using a Test ID in a weird and wonderful way.
Test ID naming also becomes a problem at scale. It requires a system to ensure uniqueness while logically grouping related IDs within a feature. This can lead to a lack of clear intent in the tests that inevitably become harder to maintain over time. In my time I've even seen Jira story numbers incorporated into the Test ID, no joke.
Clear intention results in maintainable tests
Okay, so how do these modern testing tools solve the problem? Let's focus on the
Swiss Army Knife of the element locators they provide, getByRole
This selector queries for elements by their semantic role (like button, link, menu etc). Selecting elements this way mirrors how real users and assistive technologies interact with the application and helps ensure that our features function correctly for all users.
On top of that, if we follow a test driven approach to development using roles to select elements helps us to think more deeply about user experience design and how we should better structure our HTML.
Let's change the terms and conditions test from before to use getByRole
test("opens terms and conditions", async ({ page }) => {
await page.getByRole("button", { name: "View terms and conditions" }).click();
await expect(
page.getByRole("dialog", { name: "Terms and conditions" }),
This test will fail with the div implementation of the button that does not have the accessible button role. We could naively add a role attribute to make the tests pass but, of course, we'd instead update the code to use a button element.
Role based queries like this make implementing accessibility more deliberate and enable us to test for it early in feature development. Having this in the tests also makes them more readable end ultimately more maintainable.
How far can we take getByRole
While not every element will have a clear role to select, we can cover probably 99% of cases using the available roles combined with query options.
Options refine a query based on the state of the element through attributes like name, pressed, checked and selected that have the added benefit of providing even more clear intent.
An example here, a test that expands an accordion item within an FAQ section.
test("expands shipping costs", async ({ page }) => {
await page.getByRole("button", { name: "Shipping costs" }).click();
await expect(
page.getByRole("region", {
name: "Shipping costs",
expanded: true,
We write queries to distinguish elements with the same role and name by chaining locators to select within a region. To do this we select a landmark close to the element first (like navigation regions, headers, sidebars) and query for the element within it.
This example test follows the home page link in the main navigation. Another link with the same name exists around a logo in the main header.
test("navigates to home page from main navigation", async ({ page }) => {
await page
.getByRole("navigation", { name: "Main navigation" })
.getByRole("link", { name: "Home page" })
await expect(page).toHaveURL("/");
Broad selectors like this don't break if the structure of the navigation changes. They also assure us that we have properly structured HTML and paint a clearer picture of the feature under test when we return to the code at a later date.
Consider the same test with a Test ID. We have to rely solely on the test description and have no assurance that the previous developer implemented the navigation structure correctly.
test("navigates to home page from main navigation", async ({ page }) => {
await page.getByTestId("nav-home-link").click();
await expect(page).toHaveURL("/");
A note on accessible labels
The tests examples above use the accessible name option in the locator options. Labels like this may come from a content management system, possibly even translated, and like any other application state we need to isolate this content in our tests. The strategy for this will depend on the tooling used to manage the content and presents a good opportunity to also assert for content correctness.
An example here with Playwright, provide an extension to the test fixture and run the same tests against the different languages.
test("navigates to home page from main navigation", async ({ page, t }) => {
await page
.getByRole("navigation", { name: t("navigation.label") })
.getByRole("link", { name: t("navigation.links.home") })
await expect(page).toHaveURL("/");
Should we ever use a Test ID?
Selector performance often comes up in a debate over the use of the Test ID
strategy and while the argument has merit, we need to consider this against the
benefits gained from using semantic queries. Yes, getByRole
performs more
slowly than getByTestId
due to the algorithm used to select the element and
for accessibility.
If performance becomes a problem with well structured tests that run in parallel and narrowing focus of selectors using locator chaining doesn't help, we can introduce a Test ID.
As an example, here we narrow the focus of the terms and conditions test by chaining locators starting with a test ID.
test("opens terms and conditions", async ({ page }) => {
await page
.getByRole("button", { name: "View terms and conditions" })
await expect(
page.getByRole("dialog", { name: "Terms and conditions" }),
Another, more intrusive pattern, involves applying accessibility tests after selecting the element with a Test ID. This will help a lot with selector performance but requires much more discipline in writing tests.
test("opens terms and conditions", async ({ page }) => {
const button = page.getByTestId("view-terms-button");
await expect(button).toHaveRole("button");
await expect(button).toHaveAccessibleName("View terms and conditions");
const dialog = page.getByTestId("view-terms-dialog");
await expect(dialog).toBeVisible();
await expect(dialog).toHaveRole("dialog");
await expect(button).toHaveAccessibleName("Terms and conditions");