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Slider options

autoScrollbooleantrue (unless user prefers reduced motion)Set true to automatically transition through the slides
loopbooleantrueSet true to rotate the slider back to the first or last slide when next and prev methods are called
pauseOnHoverbooleanfalsePause an auto-scrolling slider when the users mouse hovers over it. For use with autoScroll or a slider in play mode
speednumber800The time interval in milliseconds within which the slide animation will complete
swipebooleantrueEnable swiping the box to navigate to the next or previous slide
swipeTolerancenumber30The number of pixels between the pointer down and pointer up events during the swipe action that will trigger the transition
timeoutnumber5000The time interval between slide transitions. For use with autoScroll

Effect Options

timingFunctionstringease-in-outThe CSS transition timing function to use when animating slides into position
coverbooleanfalseIf true sets the slide effect to cover over the previous slide


timingFunctionstringease-inThe CSS transition timing function to use when fading slide opacity


directionhorizontal | verticalhorizontalThe direction in which the cube should rotate to the next slide
perspectivenumber1000The perspective to apply to the parent viewport element containing the box


tileEffectfade | flipflipThe transition effect for animating the tiles during slide transitions
rowsnumber8The number of tile rows into which the slide should be split
rowOffsetnumber50The time offset for starting to animate the tiles in a row