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Web Components

BoxSlider Web Components provide ready to us slider elements for each slide effect and the slider controls.


The package can be imported as an NPM module or used directly from the package or CDN.

Install via NPM.

npm i --save @boxslider/components

Include the package into the root of your project.

import '@boxslider/components'

Alternatively use from CDN.


<div>Slide one</div>
<div>Slide two</div>
<div>Slide three</div>

To import a single component use the individual exports.

import '@boxslider/components/Carousel'

<!-- Slides -->


Each slide effect has a matching web component. The options for the slider and the effect are passed as attributes with hyphens instead of camel case. For example, autoScroll becomes auto-scroll. View the configuration options for the available options.

<!-- Example attribute values -->
<bs-carousel speed="500" timing-function="ease-in" cover></bs-carousel>

The slider components do not have any controls built in. Use the bs-slider-controls component to add navigation controls to the slider. See the slider controls guide for more information.

<div>Slide one</div>
<div>Slide two</div>
<div>Slide three</div>


The components do not include any styles by default. The display, width and height style properties need to be set drectly or with CSS as a minimum for the slider to work. View the styling guide for more information on how to effectively style the slider components.

#slider {
display: block;
height: 400px;
width: 800px;

.slide {
height: 100%;
width: 100%;

<bs-carousel id="slider">
<div class="slide">Slide one</div>
<div class="slide">Slide two</div>
<div class="slide">Slide three</div>


Slider effect components have a slider attribute that provides access to the BoxSlider instance. Use this property to control the slider programmatically. Slider options can be accessed as readonly properties on the element.

// Select the slider element
const component = document.querySelector('bs-fade')

// Control the slider programmatically

// Access the slider options as
properties console.log(component.speed)


Slider events can be listened for by adding event handlers to the slider element.

// Select the slider element
const component = document.querySelector('bs-fade')

// Add an event listener
component.addEventListener('before', (ev) => {
console.log(`About to show slide ${ev.detail.nextIndex}`)