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Slider Controls

The slider controls component wraps a slider to provide navigation and slide index buttons.

<bs-carousel auto-scroll="false" timeout="5000" cover>
<div class="slide">Slide One</div>
<div class="slide">Slide Two</div>
<div class="slide">Slide Three</div>
<div class="slide">Slide Four</div>
<div class="slide">Slide Five</div>

Button labels for the default controls can be set via attributes. The index-btn-label attribute may include a %d placeholder for the slide number.

next-btn-label="Next slide"
prev-btn-label="Previous slide"
play-btn-label="Start slide show"
pause-btn-label="Stop slide show"
index-label="Select a slide"
index-btn-label="Go to slide %d">
<!-- slider content --->

Slots for the controls are available if you want to provide your own and these will be activated with event listeners to control the slider for you.

<bs-carousel auto-scroll="false" timeout="5000" cover>
<div class="slide">Slide One</div>
<div class="slide">Slide Two</div>
<div class="slide">Slide Three</div>
<div class="slide">Slide Four</div>
<div class="slide">Slide Five</div>

<button slot="next-btn">Next</button>
<button slot="prev-btn">Previous</button>

<div slot="index">
<button>View slide one</button>
<button>View slide two</button>
<button>View slide three</button>
<button>View slide four</button>
<button>View slide five</button>

The bs-slider-controls element has some basic layout and button styles that can be configured via the custom properties as show below. The styling can be disabled completely by setting the unstyled attribute.

<!-- Disable default styling -->
<bs-slider-controls unstyled></bs-slider-controls>
/* Override the default styles via custom properties */
:root {
/* The amount of space between the slides and the button controls */
--bs-button-bar-gap: 0.5rem;

/* The color of the index button pips */
--bs-index-btn-color: rgb(0 0 0 / 50%);

/* The color of the index button pip when hovered */
--bs-index-btn-hover-color: rgb(0 0 0 / 75%);

/* The color of the index button pip when it's slide is in view (active) */
--bs-index-btn-active-color: black;

/* The Size of the index button pips */
--bs-index-btn-size: 1rem;

/* The background color of the control buttons */
--bs-btn-background-color: rgb(0 0 0 / 50%);

/* The background color of the control buttons when hovered */
--bs-btn-hover-background-color: rgb(0 0 0 / 75%);

/* The border radius of the control buttons */
--bs-btn-border-radius: 999px;

/* The size of the control buttons */
--bs-btn-size: 2rem;

/* The background image icon for the next button */
--bs-next-icon: url('/next.svg');

/* The background image icon for the previous button */
--bs-prev-icon: url('/prev.svg');

/* The background image icon for the play button. */
--play-icon: url('/play.svg');

/* The background image icon for the pause button. */
--pause-icon: url('/pause.svg');

To further customize the controls, the part attribute can be used to target the individual parts of the controls. Below is the template for the slider controls showing the available parts.

<div part="container">
<div part="slider-container">
<slot id="slider"></slot>

<div part="play-btn-container">
<slot name="play-btn">
<button part="btn play-btn"></button>

<div part="controls-container">
<slot name="prev-btn">
<button part="prev-btn btn"></button>
<slot name="next-btn">
<button part="next-btn btn"></button>

<div part="index-container">
<slot name="index">
<!-- index buttons are generated with part="index-btn" -->

As an example, to style the control buttons create a selector to target the btn part.

bs-slider-controls::part(btn) {
background: red;
color: white;

Additional parts are added to controls for the active index button and the state of the play button.

/* Active index button */
bs-slider-controls::part(index-btn active) {
/* button style rules */

/* Play button for a slider in auto scrolling state has the pause part */
bs-slider-controls::part(play-btn pause) {
/* button style rules */