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The easiest way to make the slider accessible is to use the Slider Controls component with the default controls. The controls implement the WAI-ARIA design pattern for carousels.

If you are using the core JavaScript library directly or building your own control you will need to add some appropriate attributes to the slider and slide elements.

The slider element will automatically be given a role of region if no other value is set, applied with the aria-live="off" attribute when in the autoScroll state and aria-live="polite" when slide transitions are being controlled externally. Each slide is given the aria-roledescription="slide" attribute and the role of group if these area not already set. You will need to add aria-roledescription="carousel" to the container housing the slider and it's controls. An example implementation is shown below.

<section class="carousel" aria-roledescription="carousel">
<div class="slider-controls">
<button id="prev-slide" aria-controls="demo-slider">Previous slide</button>
<button id="next-slide" aria-controls="demo-slider">Next slide</button>
<button id="play" aria-controls="demo-slider">Play</button>

<div class="slider" id="demo-slider" role="region">
<figure class="slide" role="group">
<img src="happy-face.jpg" alt="A young boy with a smile on his face" />
<figure class="slide" role="group">
alt="An elderly lady with a sad look on her face" />
<figure class="slide" role="group">
alt="A man with a look of shock on his face" />

const slider = new BoxSlider(
new CarouselSlider(),
autoScroll: false,

.addEventListener('click', () => slider.prev())
// ... other button controls

Reduced motion

If the user has requested reduced motion in their operating system or browser settings then the autoScroll option should be set to false on page load to prevent the slider from automatically scrolling. The default configuration value for autoScroll is determined from the prefers-reduced-motion media query. You may also want to set the speed option to 0 to prevent slide transitions from animating.

const hasReducedMotion = window.matchMedia(
'(prefers-reduced-motion: reduce)',

const slider = new BoxSlider(
new FadeSlider(),
autoScroll: !hasReducedMotion,
speed: hasReducedMotion ? 0 : 300,